Use ERP-Based Edtech Solution to Enhance College Data Security

Use ERP-Based Edtech Solution to Enhance College Data Security

By Admin 4 years ago

You know the importance of data security if you are a key decision-maker for your educational institution. But before discussing the same, let’s have a quick look at the data generated by your institution and the security threats faced by it. At the end of the discussion, you will be able to understand the importance of ERP-based education technology solutions.

Educational institutions generate and handle a huge amount of digital records. Students generate a huge amount of data at each point of interaction with the college interface. No, we are not only talking about grades, transcripts, or teacher’s remarks. A student can generate a digital record each time he/she logs on to the college learning management system. 

He or she can also create digital records each time they use the college Wifi. Similarly, information is generated each time a student swipes his card to access the library/ classroom/ dormitory/ or to purchase a food item in the cafeteria. However, most students do not realize the amount of information that they share with the college. Therefore in most cases, they are not cautious with data security. 

But, to college, the data shared by students is a precious mine of information. Left unguarded, your rival college can steal this data to get more students. But you can avoid all the risks with  ERP-based education technology solutions. You can get the following benefits by using ERP-based higher education software solutions.

  • You can use the data generated by your students to offer scholarships to those who need
  • By analyzing the academic performance of all students, you can offer special training to those who need
  • The data can also be used to enhance the security measures of different facilities like libraries, dormitories, and cafeterias. 

Now let’s have a look at the data security risks faced by institutions

Data security risks

While talking about data security issues, we often talk about banks, insurance companies, government, hotels, etc. But we fail to consider the data security risks faced by educational institutes. However, educational institutes have become prime targets of cybercriminals in recent years. Cybercriminals often hack into the data bank stored by institutes to gain access to information like biometrics, birth certificates, financial information, etc. Over the last two years, more than 2000 public schools in the US became victims of ransomware attacks. You obviously do not want your institute to be the next victim. The good news is there is a way to avoid such attacks and keep your institute protected with ERP-based education technology solutions.

Listed below are the data security benefits offered by ERP-based education technology solutions. 

Data encryption

Under this system, the ERP-based higher education software solutions encrypt the data stored in a format that is unreadable. So, even if the hackers can access the data, they won’t be able to decipher it.

Cloud-based backup

The ERP-based education technology solutions store their information in the cloud. So, even if there is an issue with the primary server, the data stored in the cloud can be easily retrieved. 

User authentication

The information stored in ERP-based education technology solutions can be accessed only by authorized personnel. The best-in-class authentication tools prevent unwanted access of the data by unauthorized persons. 

Antivirus software

The top-class antivirus software is deployed to protect the data stored in ERP-based education technology solutions. Thus, attacks by malware, virus, or ransomware can be effectively prevented. 

Thus, ERP-based education technology solutions can secure the data stored by your institutions in the data server and protect it from unauthorized access. To know more, connect with technicians and developers at Ivan Infotech.

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